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Web Motivation Mondays To Wisdom Wednesdays

WEB Motivation Mondays to Wisdom Wednesdays

Wednesday Wisdom

Just a heads up, I've added a new category to keep track of my weekly post for Wednesday Wisdom. Some of you are used to seeing Motivation Monday; I've decided to change the name and focus for my Hump Day post to Wednesday's Words of Wisdom. I'll be sharing whatever content pops into my head.

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

Some weeks, I'll share words of wisdom from others that have inspired or encouraged me during the week. There will be times that I'll share my thoughts, ideas, or even vent about what's going on with me, the world, and whatever. I hope whatever I offer each week provides some encouragement, inspiration, or just something to think about and discuss.

When I started blogging, I was very intentional about the topics I wrote about; blogging was all about business, marketing, and having a positive mindset. Over the years, that changed. I began to share more of my journey; this was partly due to my audience getting to know me better and also because I realized that being vulnerable with my readers and sharing my journey was more relatable and helpful than always presenting a rosy picture.

I'm excited to see where this new category takes us. I hope you'll join me for Wednesday Wisdom on my blog and my social media pages. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Let's chat soon.
